Holiday Camp in Koding Next

Holiday Camp in Koding Next

Hello, Smart Parents, Junior Koders, and Little Koders!

Holidays have arrived, hurray! You must be excited about the holidays, right? Don’t worry. For you to spend the holidays, Koding Next has prepared a lot of activities for children’s holidays to be more fun. What are the activities, can you guess? Koding Next proudly presents Holiday Camp!!! In the Holiday Camp, children will learn a lot of positive and fun activities. This program runs from June 20 to July 8. Read the programmes!!!

The programmes are divided into two categories: Little Koders (4-8 years of age) and Junior Koders (8-12 years of age). Offline and online classes are available. In the categories, the classes offered are as follows.

Dancing With AI

dancing with ai icon

In this class, children literally don’t dance with Artificial Intelligence. It’s just a term. They will learn artificial intelligence by detecting facial and body expressions using the Scratch programming language and will learn to code using an application and a robot as the supporting instruments. The robot will move following the codes developed by the children. In this class, children will actively move their bodies and mind and implement what they have made. This class aims at developing problem-solving and logical-thinking skills and building interactions among the children. It sounds fun, doesn’t it?

Digital Art & AI Camp

digital art & ai koding next

In this class, children will learn graphic design and make animations. The drawings they make will be made artificial intelligence assets and implemented by coding using Poseblocks. They will also learn with a coding application to finish an interactive search. Apart from that, they will learn creatively in the art and handicraft projects. This class aims at developing their problem-solving skills and sharpening their creativity.

Roblox Driving Car Simulator

roblox driving simulator koding next

In this class, children will learn to operate Roblox games and make their 3D games. They will design their games using the LUA programming language. This class also aims at developing children’s problem-solving skills and creativity in design.

Building Website for Startup Company

building web icon koding next

In this class, children will learn to build a website using WordPress. They will make their own website projects for a start-up company. This class aims at developing children’s creativity in designing a website and providing basic learning on website knowledge.

So, Smart Parents, have you prepared activities for your children’s holidays? Spending the holidays with activities related to their cognitive development is crucial. Join the Holiday Camp programme from Koding Next. For further information on this programme, click this link (free trial link).

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