Kurikulum Merdeka and The Importance for Kids

Kurikulum Merdeka and The Importance for Kids

Kurikulum Merdeka

Kurikulum Merdeka – Who doesn’t know Nadiem Makarim? The minister of education who used to be the CEO of Gojek has come up with many interesting things in the education world, starting from eliminating the national exam to changing the state university entrance test (SNMPTN) system.

In this article, we will discuss the Kurikulum Merdeka. It is a curriculum designed to sharpen children’s skills from an early age. According to Mr. Makarim, that is because, so far, the education regulation has only hindered the process of the education reform achievement that leads to the quality of education in Indonesia.

The Kurikulum Merdeka is a curriculum that introduces freedom in learning to be in line with the needs and interests of students. It covers all levels: early childhood education school, elementary school, junior high school, high school, and university. Its content is designed to be more optimal so that students have enough time to explore the concept of learning.

Essentials Things in the Kurikulum Merdeka

  1. Strengthening of basic competencies and overall understanding:
  • To understand the surrounding environment, science and social studies are combined as natural and social sciences subjects.
  • Integration of Integrasi computational thinking in the Indonesian language, mathematics, and natural and social sciences subjects.
  • English is the subject of choice.

Strengthening the basic competencies mentioned in the Kurikulum Merdeka cannot be obtained in the school environment only. Other institutions or schools of specialization, such as Koding Next, have views and goals that align with the curriculum. For example, solving problems with computational thinking by children.

Computational thinking is a logical and effective way of thinking to solve a problem. Generally, this solving problem is supported by the use of a computer. Computational thinking is obtained by training the mind using the concepts of decomposition, pattern recognition, abstraction, and algorithms.

Learning about the concepts of thinking is included in the concept of coding. Coding for children is certainly not as complicated as that learned by adults. Koding Next designs learning in such a way that the coding concept material can be received well and lightly by the child’s brain.

The next coding class is presented bilingually, namely English-Indonesian. This is done to support the choices and needs of children in learning today’s world language, namely English.

  1. Project-based learning to strengthen students’ profiles based on the state ideology is done at least twice in one academic year.

Project-based learning provides opportunities for children to “experience knowledge”. This learning is intended to inspire students to make a real contribution and be able to answer important problems or issues in the surrounding environment through a project. Children can improve their experience in project-based learning through coding.

Coding is a way for children to provide solutions by creating digital programs, such as websites for MSMEs, applications for surrounding public services, and educational games. Making coding projects oriented to the process and results so that children get emotional skills, high analytical power, and an increase in creativity.

Read More:

3 Kegiatan Utama Dalam Sekolah Yang Perlu Anda Ketahui Koding Next Bekerja Sama Dengan KOMINFO Ikutan Oflline Class Koding Next di Kotamu

The Benefits of Project-Based Learning: Strengthening Student Characteristics Based on the State Ideology

  • Strengthening the character and developing the competencies of students as active global citizens.
  • Participating in planning learning actively and continuously.
  • Developing skills, attitude, and knowledge needed in working on projects at a certain period of time.
  • Practicing problem-solving skills in a variety of learning situations.
  • Showing responsibility and concern for the issues around them (students) as a form of learning outcomes.
  • Appreciating the learning process and being proud of the results that have been optimally pursued.

The Main Benefits of Coding for Children:

  • Technology Savvy – Children have a deeper understanding of the digital world in which they live.
  • Problem-Solving & Logical Thinking – Children are not easily discouraged in solving problems and can think logically.
  • Digital Works – Children can develop websites, applications, and games.
  • Good Careers in the Future – Children have a pretty good preparation for future careers.

What do parents need to prepare when their children’s schools apply the Kurikulum Merdeka?

Parents’ support is one of the keys to the success of the application of the Kurikulum Merdeka. Therefore, concretely parents can be study friends and companions for children to understand the competencies children need to get at their phase. Parents can also learn the textbooks used in the Kurikulum Merdeka through buku.kemdikbud.go.id.

In addition, they can give coding education to their children. It can be obtained at a trusted and experienced institution like Koding Next. The ministry of education, culture, research, and technology keeps trying to provide and present more books that are more fun and compact and have more interesting illustrations with more touching and relevant themes.

In Koding Next, kids are taught to be more systematic when solving a problem. They are also prepared to face the future with coding skills.

What makes Koding Next become a leading coding school?

Here are reasons what makes Koding Next become a leading coding school:

  1. The coding curriculum is designed by its own team that consists of experts in technology, education, and business from different countries
  2. The curriculum is evaluated every three months by the experts in line with the feedback from the previous period
  3. The curriculum is friendly to students who do not know to code
  4. Classes are available in English and Indonesian
  5. Always up-to-date with the latest trend and gadget
  6. Having cooperated with leading schools
  7. Online and offline class are available

Find out more information about our class here:

  • Little Koders Program for 4-8 years old
  • Junior Koders Program for 8-12 years old
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